![]() Those of us who have pets know they are a part of our families. We love our pets and some of us even think of them as our own furry children. We buy them special food so they can live a full and healthy life, we spoil them with treats and toys, and we adjust our routines to ensure they get the exercise and love they deserve. If anything were to happen to one of our beloved pets, we would be completely devastated. For individuals who may be single or who have not yet started a family, security may not be something pressing on their minds. They go to work, come home, and don’t need to think about if their little children are lying in their beds safely. However, most people—whether single, married, or with children—have pets. The number of pictures and stories we all tend to share at the office among co-workers, or with friends and family at get-togethers, reveal how much we think about and adore our furry family members. Why Is Pet Security Important? While we all know that the love of our pets is something we cherish, you may be wondering why you should go the extra step to look into home security options. One reason is when you install a home alarm, smoke detectors and/or security cameras, it removes some of the anxiety associated with worrying about your pets. Amazingly, there are smart security systems that virtually remove the weight of worry. By simply looking at your phone, you can see any suspicious activity going on around or in your home. Caring for your pets goes beyond merely feeding them and providing them with a place to sleep at night. Caring for your pets entails so much more. They need love, attention, regular exercise and a safe environment to live in. Keeping them secure should be one of our top priorities when we think about the essentials of raising happy and healthy fur babies. 5 Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe 1. Ask a Neighbor You Can Depend on to Help In addition to having a surveillance camera installed, a trusted neighbor will also be immensely helpful if something were to go wrong. If your system sends you an alert, you can ask your neighbor to run over and check to see if everything is fine. They will be able to see if your pets need any immediate assistance. 2. Monitor Your Home’s Temperature When you leave for work every morning make sure you set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature. This will enable your pets to be able to rest and play in comfort. 3. Install an Alarm with Pet-Smart Sensors Installing a pet door can be a great idea. It is an easy way for your pets to escape in case of a fire. However, you will need to make sure the sensors installed are pet smart. Meaning, they can distinguish between a pet wandering around the house and a burglar breaking into your home. 4. Install Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors All homes are required to have smoke detectors, however, if a fire were to occur someone in the house would need to call 911 and make sure everyone gets out safely. If your pet is home alone and your carbon monoxide or smoke detectors go off, your pets will not be able to get the help they need. Have equipment installed that will send you a notification and call emergency services for you. 5. Buy a GPS Device for Your Pet’s Collar Most pets either tend to hide or run when they are scared. If your pet has a difficult time being home alone, purchasing a small GPS device that latches onto his or her collar could be a great option. You will be able to see where they are and if they are safe at any time of the day just by checking your phone. Find a Local Security Company If you’re on the fence or just curious to know your options, you can always call and speak to an employee to go over what is currently on the market and what everything will cost. If you want to gather some more information before physically picking up the phone to inquire about a security system, we encourage you to consider some of the additional options we have provided for you in this post.
![]() During the course of our nation’s Stay-At-Home Order, we have all had plenty of time to think about the safety of our loved ones. Our lives have tremendously slowed down to what can feel like a crawling pace. Because of the slowness, we have probably completed tasks around the house we have been putting off for months (or maybe even years). Although the reality of a world-wide virus poses a different threat than a fire or home intrusion, they both unfortunately threaten our security and sense of peace. Over the last few months, we have all adjusted to rapid changes in our workplaces, routines, and in our own homes. We are limited to where we can go and what we can do; and have all been instructed to wear masks while performing our daily activities. At the very least, we can say that the Corona Virus has been inconvenient and a tad bit scary. While this season may be out of our control, there are safety measures you can take to gain some control over the overall safety of your family during this season of uncertainty. Home Alarms and Cameras for Residential Properties When most people think about security, alarms, or security cameras they tend to think of commercial security for banks, stores, and corporations. While Am-Tec does provide services to these types of businesses, these are not the only types of real estate that could benefit from having a professionally installed security system. Having a home alarm system installed will take a tremendous amount of responsibility off your shoulders in predicting threats and providing protection for your family. The same commercial-grade systems Am-Tec installs for businesses can also be used for residential properties. There is a wide array of options to choose from that will help protect your family and furry friends. Whether you want the absolute best and the most high-tech system on the market, or something simple, you have plenty of options to choose from. What about DIY Security Systems? Although there are numerous options in the world of security, DIY security have become more popular for homeowners over the years. Most of these systems are quite simple and can be installed on a lazy Sunday afternoon. However, most homeowners do not know the risks they take by installing a DIY doorbell camera that is connected to their personal Wi-Fi. Check out our blog from last year, “Can You Trust a DIY Security System,” to learn more. Customization Having a trained professional install your security cameras and/or alarm system can help prevent future threats and system malfunctions. Our systems are completely customizable and tailored to your home, security needs, and budget. These customizable surveillance cameras and alarm systems are so advanced that they come with amazing features, applications, and are built to not only protect your family from physical harm, but also prevent a thief from stealing your information from the Wi-Fi some of these systems need to be connected to. If you are still not convinced your home would benefit from a security system, you can call our office to ask any questions or request a free job walk. Did We Say Free? You heard us correctly. We offer free job walks to all our potential and existing customers. All you need to do is call our office at 909-573-4678 and ask to speak to someone about possibly installing a new system or upgrading your current system.
We won’t upsell you. We won’t sell you something you won’t use, and we also won’t ignore your concerns and budget. We make a point to listen to what you have to say, offer our professional opinions, and come to your home to see for ourselves what will work best for your property. Let us know what you are looking to protect so we can give you a customized quote today. ![]() Breaking into a new decade means we can expect a lot of change. Changes we make ourselves and changes that may be out of our control. Because of this, many Americans are taking the beginning of this year to look over their habits, schedules, friendships and lifestyles in order to prepare for a better tomorrow. However, now that we have entered not just another year, but a new decade, most people are taking their New Year’s—or new decade—resolutions a little more seriously. All over the Internet we are seeing people post about how 2020 will be the start of some form of change in their lives. These resolutions range anywhere from small things, like “getting organized” or much larger things, such as “quitting smoking” or "patching things up with family." Either way, resolutions help us set goals and expectations for ourselves in order to get where we want to be. What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?We are sure you all may have some sort of list, whether lengthy or compact, of goals you are setting for this year and the entire decade to come. We’ve seen examples of color coordinated planners posted on social media and even things as simple as a quick screenshot of a small bullet-point list made on a smart phone app. Wherever you fall, we applaud your dedication, but want to help out those who may feel a little stuck. Achieving some more practical resolutions for your home may help get you going. Resolutions are easy to make but can be challenging to keep. Creating simple and practical resolutions can help motivate you to stay on track with your long-term and more difficult goals. Therefore, we have gathered a few ideas you can steal from our New Year’s resolution list below. New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually KeepNew Year’s resolutions don’t always need to be grandiose goals that are nearly impossible to maintain. They can be simple and easy to achieve and/or maintain. Check out some of our ideas for keeping your home safe during 2020 and beyond. 1. Start Unplugging Your Electronics Want to save a little cash? Try unplugging your electronics when you are not using them. You may notice a slight or more noticeable change in your electric bill depending on how many gadgets you have plugged in. We suggest unplugging computers, cell phone chargers, printers, toasters, blenders and other items that you typically leave plugged in. 2. Pay Attention to Your Air Quality Hiring a professional to perform an air quality test can quickly expose how healthy the environment you are living in is. Living in an environment with polluted air, along with prolonged exposure, has proven to have several negative impacts on your health. This includes respiratory issues, heart disease and lung cancer. A professional will also check to see the number of allergens in your air, which could be helpful for allergy sufferers. 3. Test Your Smoke Detectors Most of us assume our smoke detectors will work in the case of an emergency, however, we should be regularly testing them to ensure the batteries are not dead. Make it a goal this year to test all your smoke detectors and maybe take it a step further and change out all of the batteries. This way you can rest assured knowing that in the event of a fire, your smoke detectors will warn you of the danger. 4. Make an Emergency Plan If there was an emergency do you and your family know what to do, where to go and whom to call? Make this year the year you get organized. Plan a meeting spot, make sure all the kids have emergency numbers memorized, build a first aid and/or emergency kit, and go over what to do if phone lines go down. Being prepared can make a high-stress situation more manageable. 5. Get Your Dryer Vent Cleaned Neglecting to have your dryer vents cleaned can result in a blockage and could cause a house fire. A few warning signs that your dryer vent is not functioning properly is clothes take longer to dry, clothes feel hot to the touch, you smell something burning and your vent hood does not open. You can easily find an affordable service on the web to get this taken care of. 6. Check Your Home for Vulnerable Break-In Points Make a point this year to walk around the exterior of your home. Check all your locks, make sure your garage door securely closes, look in the windows to see what a burglar would see. Knowing what your home looks like to potential thieves could help you make necessary adjustments that will protect you and your family in the future. 7. Make Your Address Visible Some housing tracks have their addresses painted onto the sidewalk curb, however, when a vehicle is parked in front of the house it makes it difficult to find the house you are looking for. We highly recommend purchasing and installing new address numbers onto the eves of your home. This will make it significantly easier for emergency vehicles to find your house. 8. Keep Your Garage Door Closed Most of us have a habit of leaving our garage doors open while doing yard work. However, we tend to go inside and get caught up with something and forget the garage door is still open. Getting in the habit of closing your garage door could prevent break-ins in the future. Burglars have easy access to your home if your garage is open and an open garage door allows them to take something without looking suspicious. 9. Buy a Safe Deposit Box Investing in a safe deposit box will prevent thieves from swiping anything of high value if they were to break into your home. You can keep jewelry, money, checks, electronics and much more securely hidden away. Burglars won’t take the time to attempt to break into a safe—they want an easy target with a quick getaway. 10. Look to See Who’s at The Door Before opening the door, you and your family should get in the habit of peaking out the window or looking at your surveillance cameras to see who is there. Opening your door to a stranger could be dangerous. So, knowing who is at the door before you open it can help you and your family stay safe. With modern home alarms and security cameras, you can make sure no one opens your door without you knowing and you can even ask a visitor through an intercom who they are before deciding to open the door. How to Stay on Track Instead of tackling every single one of these goals, maybe pick one or two you can begin to implement. Then when those become a part of your normal routine, or have been completed, you can revisit the list and choose a few more or add some of your own New Year’s resolutions.
![]() With Christmas quickly approaching, many of us will be preoccupied with shopping for gifts for our family and friends, selecting the perfect holiday tree, and attending Christmas party upon Christmas party. The holidays are truly a wonderful and fun-filled time of year. However, all the joy and festive activities can sometimes distract us from our day-to-day routines. While the holidays are always memorable, they are often extremely busy. This can cause us to potentially forget to set our home alarms, slack on trimming the grass and bushes out front, and maybe even neglect to remove our numerous bags from our vehicles after nearly endless hours of Christmas shopping. While, all these things may not seem to be dangerously problematic, burglars typically know that we all tend to get sidetracked during the holiday season and use this to their advantage. 10 Tips to Keep Your Home Safe Being prepared this holiday season, and not neglecting to safeguard your home, can make or break your Christmas. You wouldn’t want a burglar to ruin your Christmas fun. Although this time of year can be hectic, make sure you don’t forget your regular security routine and check out some of our security tips below. 1. Arm Your Alarm While this may seem obvious, it’s important to remember to set your alarm every time you leave the house. Whether you are leaving for work or running out to grab a coffee, burglars are looking for windows of opportunity no matter how small the window of time may be. If you have trouble remembering to arm your system, you may need to come up with a few creative ways to remind yourself. This may include leaving yourself Post-It notes, setting phone reminders and asking the entire family to get involved. 2. Update Your Stickers & Signs Having security stickers and signs in your yard will let thieves know that your home is being monitored. While adding new stickers and signs is not a sure-fire way to ensure that burglars don’t break in, they may cause them to think twice before breaking a window or sneaking in through a back door. 3. Don’t Give Neighbors Spare Keys In one of our past blogs we talked about how most burglars are typically people you already know. While, this doesn’t always mean friends and family, it normally includes people who have access to your home or are in close proximity. Be wise when making copies of your keys for housekeepers, music instructors, pet sitters, and neighbors. While you may not want to think that these people you trust could potentially burglarize your home, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 4. Don’t Post Your Schedule on Social Media Most of us tend to update our friends throughout the day about what we are doing and where we are going. However, since acquaintances are commonly known to be the number one perpetrator for break-ins, we suggest being extra mindful of what you’re posting. It would be in your best interest not to post pictures that show that you are out of the house or even posts about your future vacation plans. If you can’t resist sharing all your holiday activities, we recommend posting them the following day. 5. Use Motion Sensors When you install motion sensors outside your home, they will trip every time they sense movement around a specific perimeter. You can have motion sensors that activate lights and alarms to warn you when a potential burglar may be lurking outside on your property. Motion sensors may also deter thieves from breaking in due to the sudden burst of light or the sound of the alarm. 6. Don’t Run External Lights Through a Window Most of us string those beautifully bright Christmas lights along our rooftops and also use them to frame our windows. However, where you plug them in could cause a potential problem. To ensure your safety, make sure no lights run through the windows to the inside of the house—leaving the windows cracked throughout the day. 7. Leave a Few Lights On Leaving a couple lights on may deter burglars from breaking in. For the majority of thieves, the potential of someone being home probably won’t be worth the risk. Most burglars are not looking for a confrontation, they want an easy target and a quick getaway. 8. Make Sure Gifts are Not Visible Through Windows You can be sure one of the first things a thief will do is peer inside the windows to check out what prizes they could score. If you have a Christmas tree, make sure gifts are safely tucked away and kept out of sight. Keeping gifts in easy-to-spot locations could tempt robbers to target your home for a break-in. 9. Watch Where You Throw Away Gift Boxes We know this may sound silly, but burglars often rummage through trash cans the day after Christmas to see what new items the family may have inside. We suggest throwing away expensive electronic boxes in a dumpster behind a store or somewhere away from your house. This way, burglars won’t know what they will find inside if a break-in were to occur. 10. Beware of People Who Come to the Door We thought it was important to include this on our list, since most burglars are acquaintances or people you have met. Remember the Christmas movie Home Alone? The McCallisters had no idea the “police” were mere thieves when one of the family members let them into their home. Burglars can pose as donation seekers, Edison workers, handymen and much more, in hopes of getting a glimpse inside your home so they can better plan their raid. If you did not schedule service with a company, do not be afraid to turn them away or ask for proper identification. Plan Ahead Christmas is quickly approaching, so be prepared. Make a list of a few areas you can up your security and maybe tackle a few during the first week of the month as a family. You and your children can go through the house to ensure the windows are locked, gather all the spare keys and put them in one location, and everyone can learn to arm and disarm the alarm system. Christmas season can come and go so rapidly, so be careful not to get caught off guard. It’s best to start planning as soon as you can, before we are already a few weeks into the holiday season. Where to Get Started If you are not sure where to start, consider tackling one of these points a day or possibly a few a week. While not all of these are mandatory to your home’s overall safety, they will all offer more security and peace of mind. If this list seems a little excessive or you simply don’t have the time to be solely responsible for your home’s overall security, you can always give us a call.
Installing a video doorbell, a home alarm, and/or surveillance cameras can be a quick and easy way to have peace of mind. Here at Am-Tec Security, we offer customized quotes and can work with just about any budget. Give us a call at 800-609-2527 to learn more. ![]() With how expensive everyday expenses are getting, many people are looking for ways to bring in a little extra cash. Groceries have gone up. Gas has gone up. And kids are wanting to be involved with more and more after-school activities. Because of this, many people are converting their garages, backhouses and basements into income properties. Most of us have probably heard of the website and app Airbnb, but there are several other websites out there that allow property owners to rent out their extra bedrooms or entire homes to people almost anywhere in the world. It truly is an innovative way to rake in some extra dough without having to buckle down and work a second job. However, people coming in and out of these individual’s rentals can prove to cause a variety of predicaments. Why Homeowners Should Protect Their Income Properties While most income properties may not contain all of your personal belongings and your family may not reside in the residence, there are still several benefits to installing a home alarm in your income property. Having a rental, such as an Airbnb, has many benefits. However, protecting the property from renters, who you know nothing about and who are coming and going week after week, is vital if you want to make having an income property worthwhile. Benefits of Having Surveillance Cameras
Benefits of Having Home Alarms
If you own an Airbnb or any other type of income property, protecting your investment can be one of the smartest things you choose to do for your rental. It will protect your space, your tenants and your family from any issues that may arise in the future. Alarms and cameras have continually proven to be helpful in preventing crimes and also aid in police investigations after a crime has been committed. This is especially important if your income property is an Airbnb due to the number of guests who are staying at your property every year. Is It Legal to Have Cameras Inside an Income Property? We know that this option is not for everyone, but we wanted our readers to know their options. While installing wireless cameras may make guests at your income property feel uncomfortable, it is legal in some states. However, laws vary and there are very specific guidelines that must be followed in order to avoid violations. Below is a brief list of guidelines for property owners: Camera Location The location where indoor cameras are placed is essential to avoiding violations. Property owners are free to install cameras in any public outdoor areas, but there are very specific guidelines for indoor cameras. If legal in your state, indoor cameras cannot be placed in private areas. Installing indoor cameras can be risky for property owners and may end up causing more legal issues than intended. Tenant Notification One major factor to remember when installing CCTV cameras, is that all cameras must be visible. Your tenants must also be notified that the cameras are actively in use. We advise adding this piece of information to your renter’s agreement so there are no potential disputes over tenant notification in the future. Audio Recording It is illegal to record anyone without consent. Laws vary from state to state; however, we suggest installing a camera without an audio recording feature just to be safe. We also recommend looking up state laws before installing an audio recording camera in order to protect yourself against any legal issues. The main benefits of having indoor security cameras installed would be to ensure that guests do not break house rules, do not steal from you, and to provide proof in the unfortunate case of a legal dispute with renters. However, there are risks if you are considering installing indoor cameras and the decision should be carefully considered and preferably discussed with a lawyer. Other Ways to Increase Security at an Income Property In addition to installing cameras and/or home alarms, there are a few things you can do to safeguard your income property from burglars and property damage from existing and future tenants:
Which Systems Should Property Owners Install?There is no quick and simple answer to this question. While most local security companies have a one-size-fits-all package for residential properties, here at Am-Tec we will personally walk your property with you and give you our professional suggestions. Our knowledgeable employees can go over a variety of options with you and customize your security system based on your budget and security needs. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions Most people don’t know about the various options on the market and what each system is capable of. We welcome all questions and concerns. Our employees will gladly go over the different options and explain the pros and cons of any system you are interested in. We aim to provide transparent service and pride ourselves in genuinely caring about our customers’ satisfaction. What’s Next? There are several options out on the market. You are welcome to browse the web and see what’s out there or you could just give us a call—we can make the process significantly less time consuming and confusing. We also have a few blogs under our “Resources” tab on our website that go over DIY alarms systems and a few other topics that you may find useful.
Whether you know exactly what you are looking for or are not really sure what to do from here, give our office a call at 800-609-2527. ![]() Now that school is in full swing and all of us are beginning to set our regular routines, you probably are starting to recognize a few blinds spots that you didn’t notice while preparing for back to school. All the kids' binders may be well organized, the driving schedules are probably set, the Crockpot dinners are in the freezer and prepped, however, you may not have considered the plan for when your children get home from school. Whether your kids walk home, take the bus, or are dropped off by someone you trust after school lets out, it’s always a smart idea to think ahead about what happens when they get to the front door. While many people think their children are safe at home during the day, it’s important to know that most burglaries occur during the afternoon before parents return home from work. Having a plan is vital to your peace of mind and also your family’s safety. Safety Tips![]() Knowing where your children are, and what their daily routines are, is essential to ensuring their complete safety. Listed below are a few tips to make sure they get to and from school without harm every day. 1. Know Your Children's Route Planning the most direct path can help your children avoid unnecessary dangers while walking to the bus stop or walking all the way to school. Including your child in this plan will help him or her understand the importance of obeying all traffic laws, why they should not talk to strangers and also why they need to stay on the planned route. 2. Have Your Children Memorize Your Phone Number While most children have cellphones these days, it is always a good idea to have them memorize close family members’ numbers in case of an emergency. We also recommend teaching them how to call 911 and then explaining to them when 911 should be called versus when a family member should be called. 3. Start a Calendar Know where everyone is during the day! Draw up a calendar with your kids so the entire family knows where everyone is during the week. You can even make this fun by using stickers or allowing the kids to color on the calendar. Make sure to add all after-school activities and social engagements, as well. While these little tricks are helpful, it’s vital to inform your children of the dangers of engaging with strangers. Most of us laugh at the commonly-used term “stranger danger,” but we need to remember that all of us were taught to have a healthy fear of people we do not know at some point—this does not come naturally to children who typically tend to trust most adults. We suggest starting up a conversation at dinner tonight about strangers and general safety. We also recommend going beyond just having a conversation about strangers. Sit your children down and talk about how their natural curiosity could lead them into trouble. Come up with a plan and ask them questions about what they would do if they came home after school to an open front door or broken window. This will help you get a better idea of how your children think and how they may respond in a situation like this one. After getting a feel for how your kids may respond, talk about where they could go and who they would call if anything ever felt suspicious. Make sure to explain how they should never explore a sketchy situation on their own. Having these conversations with your children and asking them questions is an excellent way to make sure the entire family is on the same page. Security System Features If you don't feel comfortable overly emphasizing how dangerous the world we live in is with your children, you can take some of that burden off them by installing a security system. Not only do home alarms keep burglars away and secure your home’s premise, they can also detect fires, gas leaks, floods and other disasters. Monitored systems will even give you a call and dispatch the Police Department and/or Fire Department if necessary. Another amazing feature some security systems have is notifications. These systems notify you when your children have arrived home. Your kids can punch is a special code that will disarm your system and will immediately send you a notification that they made it inside safely. After they are inside, they can easily rearm the system themselves. You can also install a camera inside the house so you can keep an eye on your kids while you are away. If you see them playing with the stove or doing something they are not supposed to be doing, you can quickly give them a call and resolve the issue. There are some amazing systems that include these features and a few even have live-answer options that allow you to answer your front door no matter where you are. All of these high-tech features are sure to protect your entire family 24/7. What Should You Do Next? Plan a time when your entire family can sit down and talk about after-school safety. Make sure to have some questions ready and allow your kids to answer on their own so you can see what they would do in a given and potentially dangerous situation. After, come up with a plan together that you all feel good about. Plan your daily routine, write down the weekly activities on the family calendar, speak to them about the seriousness of safety and maybe start having them memorize your numbers.
If you want to take things a step further, call us here at Am-Tec Security at 800-609-2527. One of our friendly employees can help you find alarms, doorbells, locks and security cameras. Whether you want something simple, or the works, we have got you covered. ![]() Have you ever been out of the house and then suddenly have an intrusive thought enter your mind about your home? Maybe wondering if your pets are alight? Or worrying if you locked the front door before you rushed out? We have all been there, but most of us typically try to comfort ourselves by continuously repeating thoughts, like “Everything will be fine.” However, burglaries are more common than you may think, and what is actually considered a burglary anyway? According to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a burglary “is the unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. To classify an offense as a burglary, the use of force to gain entry need not have occurred.” We all have thoughts that make us worry about our families, pets and our home’s overall security. Unfortunately, we can never be 100 percent certain that a burglary will not happen, according to some recent facts and statistics. Surprising Facts & Statistics We would venture to say that most of us assume burglaries occur in the dead of night by a shady character we have never met. However, if you take a peek at some of the collected facts and statistics below, you may be surprised by some of the data we discovered. 1. Most burglaries happen in the middle of the day We know this may come as a surprise, but a break-in is actually more likely to happen during 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. This is mainly because burglars can walk around housing tracks and apartment complexes without appearing suspicious to residents. We were shocked to learn that only 17 percent of burglaries occur during the dim hours of the night. 2. Most burglaries occur during summer The number of burglaries during summer rises about 10 percent! We thought about this one, and summer days are longer and it’s possible burglars thought about how the better weather could make for an easier getaway. 3. A burglary happens every 23 seconds Yes, you read that correctly! Every 23 seconds. According to FBI crime statistics, there are approximately three burglaries every single minute. If you add that up, it’s about 3,757 burglaries in a single day. 4. Burglaries are decreasing in the U.S. due to available alarm systems We saved the best news for last! Over the last few years, burglaries have dropped almost 40 percent. Most experts agree this is all due to the easy-to-use and affordable alarms systems that are now available to all homeowners and renters. Could Someone You Know Be a Burglar? Another shocking fact we found is that burglars can often be people you already know. We are not trying to suggest that all your close friends and family members should not be trusted; however, we do recommend you reconsider who is allowed access to your home. Studies have shown that almost 50 percent of burglaries are completed by acquaintances. With how busy we all are, we tend to offer our keys to people we hire to do work at our homes in order to make things more convenient. This could be construction workers, house cleaners, piano teachers, dog sitters, etc. Acquaintances who have access to your home are the ones that have been found to be the most likely to target your house while you are away. This also includes neighbors. They know your address, they have probably seen some of your valuables inside and they have the time to plan where to break in and how to make a quick getaway. What Are Burglars Looking For? One of the most targeted areas in your home are the bedrooms. We usually picture burglars lugging away large TVs and other bulky electronics from living rooms, but normally they slither up the stairs and head straight for the bedrooms. They scavenge for smaller items of value that can easily fit into their pockets in order to make a break for it as effortlessly as possible. These items may include jewelry, smaller electronics, weapons, prescription medications, cash, IDs and credits cards. Not exactly what you expected, hu? Most of us leave these items easily accessible, making them vulnerable for mid-day theft. How to Better Protect Your Home The first and easiest way to protect your home is to have a security company install a monitored alarm system. This will ensure someone is watching over your loved ones, property and valuables at all times. If they detect anything fishy, the monitoring center will call you up and can dispatch the police if necessary. This is extremely important for families where both parents work. Their children are probably home alone after school and since we know that burglaries mainly occur during the afternoon, it’s important to know that children are home and safe. However, there are a few things you can do regularly to make your home less of a target for burglars.
Dos and Don’ts
The biggest point we want to make though, is to be aware of who knows your schedule and who you let into your home. It’s very easy for a housekeeper, construction worker, neighbor and/or any other acquaintance to make a copy of your key after they have been given access to your home. If multiple acquaintances have access to your home when you are not there or know your daily routine, this can significantly higher your risk for a burglary. To learn more about how to protect your home from theft, call Am-Tec Security at 800-609-2527. ![]() Having a security system is quickly becoming an essential component to every home. Unfortunately, burglars typically know the amount of valuable electronics most of us have scattered around our houses. We may have a couple iPods, a few TVs, a tablet or two and other smart home devices stored in almost every room. One break in could score a thief thousands of dollars in mere electronics alone. While our electronics are important to us, our families and our beloved pets hold even more value. Protecting them from a potential break in, or even a fire, could mean saving their lives. Through social media, most of us have witnessed unnerving footage of a break in posted online or read an emotional story shared by a hurting family that expressed their frightening situation—warning readers to protect their homes. Because of this, websites—such as Amazon—are highly trafficked with customers looking for simple and affordable DIY alarm systems they can promptly put together themselves. Benefits of a Home Alarm System While we’re not aiming to scare our clients into purchasing the most expensive and extensive system on the market, we do want to point out a few facts that may help them realize the importance of installing a new or up-to-date home security system.
Who Can Benefit From a Security System? ![]() Having home cameras and alarms installed can benefit anyone who owns a home, rents a home, or even rents an apartment. There are several options for individuals who do not own their residences and cannot run wires through their walls. Investing in a home security system can give you peace of mind and can also prevent you from becoming the person posting an unfortunate situation onto social media, warning readers to better protect their homes and families. Types of Security Systems Many of us have heard of these easy-to-use DIY home alarms and home cameras because we see them sold all over the Internet. They appear to be a quick and affordable solution to avoid burglaries and intrusions, but the question is do they really do their job? The main similarity between the two types of systems is their obvious goal of protecting you and your home. However, there tends to be more differences than similarities when it comes down to the installation process and the daily functions of a DIY kit versus a professionally installed system. Main Differences
The biggest difference between professionally installed systems and DIY systems, definitely comes down to how both are monitored. While DIY systems normally come with a well-designed self-monitoring app, the simple truth is that your home will only be monitored when you are available to check your phone. Professionally installed home alarms and home cameras are constantly surveyed by monitoring stations at all times. The monitoring station will even go as far as to dispatch the police for you if there is an emergency. This means that whether you are on vacation, catching some z’s, are busy running errands, or are at work, you can trust that your home, family and pets will be protected. Pros and Cons of a DIY Security System While we have already briefly touched on how a DIY system’s effectiveness solely relies on your ability to monitor your system on your own, there are a few other pros and cons when comparing them to professionally installed systems. Pros of a DIY System
Cons of a DIY System
Can You Trust a DIY Security System?![]() If you want a system that is easy to use and will meet your basic security needs, some options can be a quick solution. However, depending primarily on a DIY security system can be risky. Your home will not be monitored 24/7, and the police will not be dispatched unless you take control of the situation. This can be a daunting thought if your children are home alone or if you are in a dangerous situation and cannot get to a phone. Another reason DIY systems may not be your best option is because they are not encrypted. For those of our readers who may not realize the seriousness of this issue, let us try to break it down. If a system is not encrypted, the information in that system is easy to hack into. Because DIY systems are normally connected through Wi-Fi, any data stored on your phone—or any other device connected to the Wi-Fi—can be almost effortlessly stolen. This can lead to a completely different set of security and identity theft issues because of the PINs, passwords and private information that may be stored on one or on all of the connected devices. Even if we were to narrow this pros and cons list down to price alone, there are still a few points to remember. While, DIY systems appear to be extremely affordable, they typically only cover three zones. You may be wondering, “What does that even mean?” Simple, three zones means three points of entry. This could be a front door, a front window and a back door. This leaves all other windows and entry points completely vulnerable. Adding additional security features to cover your home, with a DIY system, could cost several hundreds of dollars and still leave you solely responsible for monitoring your entire system. What To Do From Here? Whichever point concerns you most, Am-Tec Security is here to answer any and all your questions. Our employees have proficient knowledge of what’s on the market and will only sell you what you truly need.
Our goal is to ensure that every family is safe. We aim to take the responsibility and burden of keeping your home protected off your shoulders. The only way to truly relax about your family’s safety is to know someone has your back 24 hours a day. Hiring a security company to monitor your home could be the best decision you make for your family this year. Call Am-Tec Security at 800-609-2527 to speak to a friendly employee in greater detail about the pros and cons of a DIY system and to also learn more about what we have to offer. ![]() Trusting in a new company you have never used before always requires a leap of faith. You may have scrolled through numerous reviews, chatted with your friends about their experiences and even investigated the company’s website before taking the final plunge; However, there is still going to be some level of uncertainty whenever you use a company you have never used before. When purchasing new products, we all tend to stick to what we recognize. We look for brands we trust or choose companies based on familiar names we may have seen circle through various online adds or TV channels. While this may be a fine option for choosing household products, such as shampoo for your pet or a new computer monitor for your office, we suggest going a different route when choosing something as important as a security system for your home or office. What to Look for When Choosing a Company Whether you are looking for a top-of-the-line fire system or have been searching for affordable home alarms, there are a few things you should think about before unintentionally choosing a security company that may prove to fall short of your expectations.
We know this list is a little more detailed than the way you may be used to assessing a company’s dependability, but these four questions will allow you to evaluate a small or large company’s overall helpfulness and dependability before hiring them for your next project. When looking to install high-tech cameras with CCTV monitoring and other products that will protect your home or business, looking further into a company’s core values can prove to benefit you in the long run if an emergency or situation were to ever occur in the future. Large Businesses Versus Smaller Businesses ![]() Some may be wondering, “Is it safer and smarter to trust a security company based on their size or popularity?” While popularly can sometimes be an indicator of quality service, it isn’t always. Larger companies may have the ability to hire more employees and quickly schedule new jobs for home, commercial and small business security installations, but this fact does not ensure that they will provide outstanding service or be able to save you money. This is where our questions mentioned above come into play. Digging a little deeper before hiring a larger security company can save you from a lot of trouble in the long run. Larger companies, like ADT, normally have several employees readily available for dispatch. While time, popularly and size may seem like an appealing reason to go with ADT, future and current customers should examine the company a little closer to determine if they are truly getting the deal ADT claims they are providing. Let’s say you are looking to install alarms in your warehouse and need to speak to ADT about pricing, installation and potential maintenance. We would recommend asking yourself the questions we listed above. Try to think if you can determine their vision and identity, is the communication open, are they being transparent with the service you are hiring them for, and have they proven to be stable over the years? While most of the answers to these questions may be a “yes,” it’s then important to really pay attention to their transparency and communication. Make sure you know exactly what you are getting and for what price before opening your wallet and signing on the dotted line. Larger security companies offer an array of services. However, smaller security businesses can also provide the same level of service and can even charge less money because their overhead is smaller. Companies, like Amtec Security, value your business—knowing you are an important part of their success as a smaller operating security company. This can truly work in favor of individuals or businesses searching for a trustworthy company that values communicating openly and honestly about potential installations or repairs. What Smaller Businesses Have to OfferWhen comparing a smaller security business to a larger one, such as ADT, there are a few obvious benefits when going with a smaller company, such as Amtec Security, and a few that may be a little more discrete.
If the better customer knowledge and personalized customer care don’t catch your attention, then maybe the dollar signs you would spend with ADT over Amtec Security will. Lack of transparency is probably one of the biggest red flags when looking for a security company for home, commercial, or small business security installations. This is mainly because the lack of honesty typically will cost you a pretty penny at the conclusion of the job. Saving Cash Versus Customer Care When it comes to saving money and quality customer care, why should you have to choose between the two? Going with Amtec Security when installing new residential alarms, or maybe fire systems for your commercial office, can prove be to a smart decision if you are looking for a security company based on your budget and customer care needs. Amtec Security is small enough to care about each individual customer, yet large enough to handle extensive commercial jobs. A company like ADT, with nearly countless employees, may be large enough to handle a variety of jobs all at once, but their employees typically are given limited information and are unable to provide all the jobsite and pricing details to their customers. This can create a lot of confusion and make the installation or maintenance process more complicated than it needs to be—and who has time for unnecessary complications? How Does Amtec Security Compete With Companies Like ADT?![]() When calling to get a quote from ADT, customers are normally surprised by the extremely low prices. Their “free” alarms—or nearly-free options—catch their customers’ attention. However, what ADT won’t tell you is that these systems only include three doors and three windows, and every additional door and window can cost up to $45 each! Which we all know every home and office has more than three measly doors and windows. This makes calling ADT for a quote almost pointless. Once your technician comes to your property, the price of your "affordable" system is sure to skyrocket. Instead of feeling unsatisfied and robbed by a larger company, many people tend to be happier when choosing smaller businesses that aims to cultivate long-lasting relationships with their customers. Their satisfaction directly affects their success. In contrast to ADT, Amtec Security will customize your quote by going over the details of your property and will even come walk your property with you for free. This level of transparency and honestly is what makes customers reconsider going with larger business with easily recognizable names. Does Your Security Company Make the Cut? Choosing a brand of product is a lot simpler than choosing a security company to work with—due to the ongoing service and trust that is involved. Working with a company that has a clear identity, is open with their communication, is transparent with prices and services, and proves to have a stable history, will provide you with a better chance of receiving satisfactory service.
Whether you are currently working with another company that is not providing the level of customer care you were expecting or have been browsing the web for prices, choosing a smaller company like Amtec can make your experience more enjoyable and even more affordable. If you have questions about all the services Amtec has to offer or want a quote for a specific job, feel free to give us a call today at (800) 609-2527. Allow us to prove why choosing a smaller business may be one of the best decisions for your company’s or family’s security and safety. |
September 2020
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